What Happened on February 1st? | Historical Events That Shaped the World


February 1st has witnessed some of the most fascinating and impactful events in history. From Alexander Selkirk's rescue inspiring 'Robinson Crusoe' in 1709 to the tragic Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003, this day is packed with stories that shaped the world. In this video, we explore 20 key events that occurred on February 1st, including: The first session of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1790. The publication of the first portion of the Oxford English Dictionary in 1884. The premiere of Puccini's opera 'La Bohรจme' in 1896. The return of Ayatollah Khomeini to Iran in 1979, leading to the Iranian Revolution. The debut of 'Late Night with David Letterman' in 1982. Join us as we uncover the historical highlights of February 1st and their significance in shaping our world today. Donโ€™t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more daily history highlights!


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